Saturday, February 12, 2005

Church Edition's Of some Of My Poem's

For Those in Mourning church edition written on 11/12/03

Rose’s are red.
Violets are blue.
Though your loved ones are dead they’re still with you.
And they will be waiting with your father in Heaven to welcome you when it is your time too.

By B.R.

For The Ones that have been left behind church edition written on 11/12/03

Always remember your loved one’s might not be with you physically they will always be with you in spirit.
So live each day to the fullest.
And never waste a second of it.
Remember they would want you to be happy and to continue living your life.
Don’t worry if you forget what they looked like as long as you and everybody else who’s lives they touched remember what they taught you and everything they said or did for you, you will always carry a piece of them with you through out your lives.
Always remember that as long as your good you will meet them again when you go to meet your father in heaven.

By B.R.

B.R.= Brother Joseph Michael Ford Jr.
B.R. is just my pen name.

What Is Love church edition written on 11/18/03
Love is a swift moving river.
It can carry you away if you don’t know how to swim in it.
True love can be a beautiful thing.
Lust can be an ugly thing.
Because it brings out the side of yourself you hide from yourself and the rest of the world.
And that side of most people for the most part is dangerously unpredictable.
For all that matters to you once you surrender control of your body and mind to that side of you is accomplishing your goal no matter what.
But love of the heart true, and pure can release you from all your pain and suffering for the moment and ease it for the rest of your life.
But remember this the physical love you feel when your with someone is not the same as the love of the heart.
With the physical love it only last a few minutes a couple of hours at most and if you partake of that physical love before your married or with someone else not your spouse when you are married you are sinning in the eyes of god which saddens him deeply.
Remember this always if the feelings you feel toward each other aren’t worth fighting for when times, life, or the relationship hits a rough patch then you need to evaluate yourself and your relationship.
Just consider this either it isn’t true love, or you just don’t deserve to be loved if you don’t at least try and fight for it.
Then evaluate yourself and your relationship with those things in mind.
And remember this the only love that is pure and cannot be polluted is GOD’S love his love once it has been poured out to you it will eases all your pain and suffering and slowly replaces it with peace, happiness, and love.
All you have to do to be worthy of his love is obey his commandments, listen to his prophets, read the scriptures, and follow them and he will pour his love everlasting over you.

By B.R.

B.R.= Brother Joseph Michael Ford Jr.
B.R. is just my pen name.

Church Related Poem's

Prayer written on 11/09/03 rewritten on 11/18/03 date thought of unknown

Now that I am older I have come to realize something . I have come to realize that we for the most part we repeat, repeat, and repeat the same things. Like bless the prophet, bless that everybody gets home ok and stuff like that. Something people forget is that the savior says that you should not keep repeating the same thing. I was either taught, told, or I heard when my family used to listen to the scriptures on tape that the savior said that god knows your heart. So I say this to you instead of saying everything you can think of to say like, thank you for this, this, and this or bless so and so, and please help me with this or please help me do or get this or that. I ask you to tonight or the next time you pray to say this when you pray say heavenly father you know my heart you know what it desires, what it needs, and what it wants. I ask that you grant me what you think would best help me and in my constant struggle to be worthy of returning to you. And make me a better person and example to those of your children who have yet to see the light and felt your love and power flow through them.

By Brother Joseph Michael Ford Jr.
Interesting fact: This is something I talked with my bishop about at great length during my priesthood interview for the office of priest and then months later, on 11/09/03 in sacrament I was inspired to write it down. Then I was inspired to ask permission to read it in priesthood meeting and having got permission I just said basics of what the above talk says. I was more or less rambling about the talk than talking because I was so scared.

The Temple written on 11/09/03 rewritten on 11/18/03

The temple is a place that god has ordered built as a sort of a fort of goodness for the protection of the of the righteous from Satan.
It is also a place free of temptation and filled with the love, power, and spirit of GOD.
It is a place where you can show thanks to your ancestors for what they did for you and repay them for it.
The temple is the one place you can always feel safe.
It is the one place in which you can feel totally safe and where the problems of the world disappear into nothing.

By Brother Joseph Michael Ford Jr.
Interesting fact: I was inspired to write the things written above about the temple during the priesthood lesson on the temple and some of the things written there were written before they were even talked about in class. The rest just came to me out of the blue.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I don't know why but I like doing mean and cruel things alot. But I also like doing nice things a lot. And I don't know why heck when I was about 11 or 12 I could do tons of bad and mean things and not feel bad about it and I stayed that way but when I turned 18 I couldn't do something mean without feeling bad about what i did and i notice the more I go to church and do good stuff like that the worse I feel about the bad things I do. I am still trying to figure out why this is happening to me. If anybody has any idea's as to what i should do please feel free to tell me.

Gifts From God

I am going to share something I have come to realize and it is this god has blessed use each with different gifts and we may not even see it as a gift. Some people see there gift more as a curse than a gift. But see take me for example I can hardly ever stay quite for more than a couple of minutes at a time. But sometimes just by talking to people and listening to their problems makes them feel better. Another thing I realized I do is I care so much about everybody even total strangers that I can barely restrain myself from helping them.

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