Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm so tired of this constant pain in my life

My head is so full of thoughts and ideas that my head just hurts all over and there is nothing i can do. It hurts so much i don't think i can take it much longer espeacially since there is nothing around that can help sure your probably thinking to yourself why doesn't he just take some asprin but it isn't that simple even when i tried to kill myself and took those 50 some odd asprins my head still hurt so if 50 some odd asprins couldn't get rid of my headache for even a little while what good would it do to take the recommended dosage now. i just wish my head would just explode and get it over with. I don't know how much longer i can deal with this pain. The pain never stops it just decreases for a time and then comes back. The only way i get to sleep at night most of the time is by taking my medicine but even that will wear off eventually and then i'll be screwed. The only time i ever get a decent nights sleep is on fridays i'm not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that it speeds up the time until i can watch my cartoons. For some reason as long as i am distracted the pain is nonexistant but the minute i get bored i feel the pain.

Monday, July 25, 2005

what happened to people doing acts of kindness.

Why must there be so much evil in the world.

People have become more involved with themselves and there inner circle of friends and family that they rarely take time out of there busy schedule to do something for there community or just help some stranger out for no other reason than that person needed help. Not because they were hoping to get something out of it but because it is the right thing to do.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


By Joseph M. Ford Jr.

From the first moment I met you I could tell you were a kind and sweet soul.

I can hardly get you off my mind.

You make me happy when you are around my life is filled with light.

I will miss you for you are truly one of God’s blessings on of the few in my life.

And the time we spent just talking was the only time when I didn’t have a million things whizzing around in my head and for once in a long time I was at peace.

I just wish I could have more moments like that but sadly that is no longer possible.

So all I have to say is I hope your life turns out ok just in case I never see you again.

And I hope that you find somebody to love and returns your feelings.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Does anyone have any idea's on how to deal with these problems

My problems are this I have let hate, anger, and love build up in me all my life. Because I couldn’t let anything go and now I don’t know what to do. I can’t just let it go and it has begun to really effect me. What is worse is that all my love is overflowing at times where at other times it is rotting away and giving way to more anger and hatred. It has gotten to the point that anything remotely good for me is being pushed away. Heck I can’t even hold my scripture open to read them without feeling a sudden urge to rip them. I just don’t know what is happening to me now days. My thoughts tend to dwell on doing dark and evil things with only small lapses into thoughts of goodness. And the sad thing is I enjoy thinking those dark thoughts. I don’t know what is happening to me now a days.

Why do we make mistakes

I mean when you think about it some mistakes are preventable. Yet I find myself questioning why those kind of mistakes are made period. And I can see why they are made period.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Why Do Things Happen?

I used to be a cold hearted mean person. Yet lately my cold heart has started to defrost rapidly and it scares me> I used to beable to be mean, lie, cheat, and injure people, but lately i can't do most of those things without feeling horrible and now when i look back on all the things i have done to people it makes me feel horrible. I think the reason for this sudden defrost of my heart is due to the fact that i have real friends now people who care about me and my well being. People who I would do almost anything for. And who knows what will happen from here on. I'll keep you updated.

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