Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm so tired of this constant pain in my life

My head is so full of thoughts and ideas that my head just hurts all over and there is nothing i can do. It hurts so much i don't think i can take it much longer espeacially since there is nothing around that can help sure your probably thinking to yourself why doesn't he just take some asprin but it isn't that simple even when i tried to kill myself and took those 50 some odd asprins my head still hurt so if 50 some odd asprins couldn't get rid of my headache for even a little while what good would it do to take the recommended dosage now. i just wish my head would just explode and get it over with. I don't know how much longer i can deal with this pain. The pain never stops it just decreases for a time and then comes back. The only way i get to sleep at night most of the time is by taking my medicine but even that will wear off eventually and then i'll be screwed. The only time i ever get a decent nights sleep is on fridays i'm not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that it speeds up the time until i can watch my cartoons. For some reason as long as i am distracted the pain is nonexistant but the minute i get bored i feel the pain.


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